Friday 25 March 2011


So, my first out of England based burlesque performance, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to not only go perform at The Burlesque & Cabaret Social Club, The Sugar Club, Dublin, but to spend the weekend in the company of a set of frustratingly beautiful & talented ladies ( I use the term 'ladies' lightly, all hailing from Yorkshire of course ) Adelina Le Shay, Mimi Demure & my favourite pair of  lungs Em Brulee.

The initial start of the trip was a little rough due to suffering  for the previous few days leading up to our departure with a rubbish flu, yet once curled up in bed in our what would be residence for the duration of our stay ( Adelina's brothers flat, what a darling for putting up with loud, feather scattering women!) in the company of my bunk-buddy Mimi Demure (late night gossips anyone? check! stories of teenage romance? check!) I was soon feeling back on form on the morning of the show.

After a wonder around the lovely little town of Blackrock and scoffing on the sunny balcony of the flat, we headed off to Dublin to prepare for the show. I'd never performed at The Sugar Club before and I'd heard wonderful things about it, I was completely smitten the second we walked in!

The show itself was fantastic, great audience, fantastic variation of performers & bands, so well organised I luckily had the chance to catch most of the other acts & performances. After curtain call we were able to indulge in a spot of dancing, and we sooned coined the idea of using 90s dance crazes to 1930s charleston-esque music, ridiculous as it sounds, it works, and talk about a work out! Luckily (yeah right) this moment was caught on camera for all to see, maybe I should pop it on my showreel? Maybe not..

Below, some of my favourite shots from the night featuring my Dog Faced Girl act & my Hoochie Cooch act (featuring my upcoming Fortune Telling Machine costume), all images are from Hector Heathwood unless stated.

 My favourite shot of the night!

1 comment:

  1. haha that last photo is great! loks like you had a blast :)

    will you be posting your performance dates/venues on here?
